Functions for extraction/compilation/installation of PO/MO file.
val po_of_filename : GettextTypes.filename -> GettextTypes.po_content
val extract :
string ->
string ->
string GettextTypes.MapString.t ->
GettextTypes.MapString.key list ->
string ->
extract cmd default_option file_options src_files ppf : extract the translatable strings from all the src_files provided. Each source file will be extracted using the command cmd, which should be an executable that has the same output as ocaml-xgettext. If cmd is not provided, it will be searched in the current path. The command will be called with default_option, or if the file being extracted is mapped in file_options, with the option associated to the filename in file_options. The result will be written using module Format to the formatter ppf. The result of the extraction should be used as a po template file.
val compile : GettextTypes.filename -> FilePath.filename -> unit
compile input_po output_mo : create a binary representation of the PO file provided as input_pot. The output file is output_mo.
val install :
bool ->
string ->
string ->
GettextCategory.category ->
string ->
FilePath.filename ->
install destdir language category textdomain fln : copy the given filename ( should be a MO file ) to the filename defined by all the other parameters ( typically destdir/language/category/ ).
val uninstall : string -> string -> GettextCategory.category -> string -> unit
uninstall orgdir language category textdomain : remove the MO file defined by all the other parameters ( typically destdir/language/category/ ).
val merge :
GettextTypes.filename ->
GettextTypes.filename list ->
string ->
merge fln_pot fln_po_lst backup_ext : use fln_pot as a POT file and merge the current content of the listed PO file ( fln_po_lst ) with it. Backup all the PO file using the provided backup extension backup_ext and produce a merged PO file in place.